Loral Langemeier’s Cash Machine Workshop

My wife and I spent the past three days as volunteer staff at Loral Langemeier’s Cash Machine Workshop in Atlanta and had an absolute blast.

If you don’t know who Loral is, then you need to find out about her now. She is the Millionaire Maker and she teaches people how to become millionaires in three to five years. She has several best-selling books, cd programs, a radio show and live events. Her remaining Cash Machine Workshops for 2009 are in San Francisco, Los Angles, and Seattle.

There are several people out there teaching people that they need to become financially independent and how to do it, so why is Loral the best? What really impresses me the most about Loral Langemeier is that she is real. She isn’t one of those seminar speakers who stays up on stage and never interacts with the people who paid to come see them. She uses the same door to enter the room as everyone else. She is on the floor interacting with people while she is teaching. If you have something that will help her business then she will work a deal with you right then and there because it shows everyone else how it is done.

She is also balanced. She doesn’t sacrifice her family to do these events. Her family travels with her as much as possible. She has a beautiful little daughter that came with her to our workshop in Atlanta. She’s a mom, a wife, and also happens to teach people how to build teams and become millionaires.

You can learn about Loral and her teachings by reading her books and going through her CD programs. The best way is to get to one of the upcoming Cash Machine Workshops. When you come, you have to be ready to play. Everyone at the Atlanta event made some amount of money. If you would like to talk to somebody about the best way to get started on your path to becoming a millionaire, then leave me a comment and a friend of mine who works with Loral will get back with you.

Wayne Woodworth

My wife, Michelle, doing 5 minute chair massage in the Market Place during the August 2008 Cash Machine Workshop in Atlanta

My wife, Michelle, doing 5 minute chair massage in the Market Place during the August 2008 Cash Machine Workshop in Atlanta

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